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Elevate Student Experiences through Embedded WBL Instruction – November 6th

November 6

Catapult Masterclass #4:
Elevate Student Experiences through Embedded WBL Instruction
Speaker: Dr. Sandra Adams
When: November 6th, 2024
Time/Link: TBD

Elevate Student Experiences through Embedded WBL Instruction
Dr. Sandra Adams
Career Academy Administrator, ACTE Contributor, Author, Speaker
Delivering content is no longer the goal. We are now charged to increase authentic work-based learning experiences for all students. But how do we achieve this? Done correctly and consistently, work-based learning creates a win – win – win situation. Students, partners and educators all win as we leverage partner connections to advance authentic learning environments.

This session provides a continuum of lessons that connect students and partners in multiple ways for technical and professional skill development. The simple truth is that we cannot construct meaning for someone else. Students need to experience novel learning environments and opportunities to make new connections that result in their construction of learning and efficacy building. The WBL lessons shared here are applicable to all program areas and are intentionally designed to foster progress and recognition for students.


November 6
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