
What is Articulation?

Articulation is a planned process that links two or more educational institutions together to facilitate a smooth transition for students to move from one course, program, or educational level to the next, while minimizing or eliminating course repetition. In the a CTE Career Pathway program, articulation plays an integral role in this transition for students in high schools and ROP programs. It provides students with an opportunity to earn credit for high school/ROP courses that are deemed equivalent to those at a community college.

In the CTE Career Pathways program, the 2+2 articulation model is utilized. This includes the final two years in high school and the first two years in college.

How are Articulation Agreements Made?

Articulation agreements are created as a result of partnerships between a college and local high schools and ROP programs. Together, college faculty and these institutions examine course curriculum of their respective disciplines and determine that select courses are equivalent in content. A formal agreement is written that identifies the equivalency among these courses. These agreements should be reviewed every two years.